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Број резултата: 14


...И Песма За Лос Анђелес

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[1. Стих]
Пошаљите је на југ, улице су хладне очи, гледају испред себе
Без доброг разлога да се не сруши, она уздахује и зури у надвожњак
Пуна је других разлога да напусти град, заклиње се да ће тада бити боље
Кад би само могла видети да ће је то увек прогањати, а онда изненада прође
Волим твоје тешке путеве, све их можемо учинити мојим
Санта Ана шири наше приче широм хоризонта
Града који су анђели сматрали погодним да га назову
Против црнила блистају милиони малих белих светала
Бојимо се да се спојимо, па се кријемо иза касних ноћи
А гласови вичу: 'Вољени, све ће бити у реду'
[2. Стих]
Праведан млади град привилегија, претварање док то не буде истина
Пратите туђе стопе, али то не постајете ви
Рекла је: 'Још није пун месец', а њено тело чини се да се сложило
На тротоару је завет звездама, мада не знам чему се надаш да ћеш видети
Волим твоје тешке путеве, све их можемо учинити мојим
Санта Ана шири наше приче широм хоризонта
Града који су анђели сматрали погодним да га назову
Против црнила блистају милиони малих белих светала
Бојимо се да се спојимо, па се кријемо иза касних ноћи
Гласови и даље вичу: 'Вољени, све ће бити у реду'
[3. Стих]
Недостају јој годишња доба и ноћи када остаје код куће
Требали сте је сад видети окупану црвеним светлима заласка сунца
Молим вас реците јој да је волим, али град се неће променити
Хладан је и непоколебљив, увек диван и стран
Волим твоје тешке путеве, све их можемо учинити мојим
Санта Ана шири наше приче широм хоризонта
Града за који су анђели сматрали погодним да га назову
Против црнила блистају милиони малих белих светала
Бојимо се да се спојимо, па се кријемо иза касних ноћи
А гласови вичу: 'Вољени, све ће бити у реду'
Волим твоје тешке путеве, све их можемо учинити мојим
Санта Ана шири наше приче широм хоризонта
Града за који су анђели сматрали погодним да га назову
На позадини црнила блистају милиони малих белих светала
Бојимо се да се спојимо, па се кријемо иза касних ноћи
А гласови вичу: 'Вољени, све ће бити у реду'

My only love

It's a pain
That I have been annoucing
It's that my only love is gone
To never see him again
To never see him again
I want to be with him
Close to him
Would be my happiness
I know that very soon it will be
And they will never part us
From my only love
It's a pain
That I have been annoucing
It's that my only love is gone
To never see him again
To never see him again
I want to be with him
Close to him
Would be my happiness
I know that very soon it will be
And they will never part us
From my only love

Cultural Friday

Lend me a pair of sandals
because tonight I'm going out to party,
Lend me a high-collard shirt
because tonight will be amazing.
Lend me your bag to put my tobacco,
a bottle of aguardiente1 and I won't
I won't forget to take
a box of candles to dance at the cumbiamba2
a box of candles to dance at the cumbiamba.
I also want to wear
a flower in my hair
entwined in tight braids,3
and a very, very pleated skirt
so I can have a lot of fun, Cultural Friday
so I can dance contently, Cultural Friday.
Cultural, Cultural (hey, dark-skinned girl4)
Cultural Friday
Cultural, Cultural (hey, dark-skinned girl)
Cultural Friday
Cultural, Cultural (hey, dark-skinned girl)
Cultural Friday
Cultural, Cultural (there's a good party happening)
Cultural Friday.
Lend me a pair of sandals
because tonight I'm going out to party,
Lend me a high-collard shirt
because tonight will be amazing.
  • 1. lit. 'burning water', is a generic term for alcoholic beverages that contain between 29% and 60% ABV.
  • 2. a party where cumbia (musical rhythm, musical genre and folk dance) is played/danced.
  • 3. lit. 'I want to wear a flower in my hair to scratch on my braids
  • 4. 'negra' and 'morena' mean the same thing, someone who is dark-skinned or dark-haired.

The Neighbor

Well, what surprise life has played me,
I fell forward and without any warning,
into someone who changed all that I felt,
what irony.
A beautiful face and a divine body
makes me tremble each time I look at her,
a pair of tender eyes where my fate
are reflected in.
It's the neighbor, a shot of vitamins
that burns in me every day and leaves me sighing,
because not even in my dreams did I imagine her
and now she's really mine.
It's the neighbor, the one that puts me in a good mood
and I forget my worries from the material world,
we don't care what people say,
nothing nor anyone will be able to separate us.
Well, what surprise life has played me,
I fell forward and without any warning,
into someone who changed all that I felt,
what irony.
A beautiful face and a divine body
makes me tremble each time I look at her,
a pair of tender eyes where my fate
are reflected in.
It's the neighbor, a shot of vitamins
that burns in me every day and leaves me sighing,
because not even in my dreams did I imagine her
and now she's really mine.
It's the neighbor, the one that puts me in a good mood
and I forget my worries from the material world,
we don't care what people say,
nothing nor anyone will be able to separate us.
It's the neighbor, a shot of vitamins
that burns in me every day and leaves me sighing,
because not even in my dreams did I imagine her
and now she's really mine.
It's the neighbor, the one that puts me in a good mood
and I forget my worries from the material world,
we don't care what people say,
nothing nor anyone will be able to separate us.

How Am I Supposed To Forget You

Love1, love, love,
love, love, love
I want your eyes to look at me again
Love, love, love,
love, love, love
I want to kiss your red lips again.
How could I not remember you,
how could I forget you
if everything reminds me of you,
you are everywhere.
For in a rose, you are there
for in every breathe, you are there
how am I supposed to forget you
how am I supposed to forget you
if when I kiss the cross you are there,
when I pray a prayer you are there,
how am I supposed to forget you
how am I supposed to forget you.
For you have nailed yourself here in my heart
and my love2, you have filled my soul,
and your blood runs through my veins
and my blood makes me quiver
when I'm with you. 3
  • 1. the term of endearment, not 'love' itself.
  • 2. term of endearment
  • 3. lit. 'I with you'.

The King and Me

There was once a great king
Who had many lands, a castle
And a love too
But the whims of this love
left him with time, without castle and without land
Today the King can't be happy
Because he has neither castle nor love
Today the King can't be happy
Because he doesn't already have his love
I was happy with you too
I gave you my love and my money
And today the poor and I only cry for you
(Repeat the whole song)
Chorus (× 2)

My Feelings

Now more than ever
I need you next to me
Do not forsake my love
As I've given myself in surrender to you
I won't be able to survive, I need your warmth
How easy it is for you to abandon me
How easy it is for you to abandon me
Making off with my feelings
Making off with my feelings
(O lay lehr oh lah...)
It pains me to realize
That I've been nothing but another stepping stone
As you walk the path of your love affairs
And that you're going to go away
Without a motive or a reason
My heart tells me so
How easy it is for you to abandon me
How easy it is for you to abandon me
Making off with my feelings
Making off with my feelings
(O lay lehr oh lah...)